Tuesday 10 December 2013

Melted Crayon Art

This is the crayon art that we did for the Fete. My one is on the right I did a picture of a boy and a dog I thought that they would go well together.we had to go find what we wanted our silhouette to be i picked a boy and a dog then we had to pick a canvous that we thought would be good with our silhouettes after we had done that some people started to use indian ink to make sure are silouettes stay there then we had to find the right crayons that we wanted to use and hot glue gun them to the canvous we then grabed a heat gun and pointed it at the canvous and the crayons started to run down and we ended up with melted crayon art

Thursday 14 November 2013


This term room7 has been learning about energy. So far we have learnt about the different forms of energy such as heat and kinetic energy. We have also learnt about how energy cannot be created or destroyed, just transferred. In class we have been doing loads of experiments and watched lots of videos to help us understand about sound, such as the block clap which helped us understand about lighting and thunder and how they happen at the same time but the further you are away from the thunder and lighting the longer the thunder will take to reach you. We have also learnt about dirrerent pitch and sound waves and how there are tones that are beond human hearing which is called ultra sound. In class we also watched videos about sonic boom and how sonic boom happens when something goes faster then sound which causes a big cloud to form behind the object that has past the sound barrier. I have been having lots of fun learning about sound and energy and I can't wait to use it in the future.

Monday 11 November 2013

The day my sister tried to cook me- creative writing

Let me tell you about the time my sister became a canabul. It was Saterday the 1st of July 2004, as usual mum had slept in, I was sitting in my high chair when I noticed my older sister had ran into the kitchen and started making lots of noise playing with the pots and pans. then she came over to me and said "isn't shawny looking yummy today." She walked closer with her arms streched out. she licked her lips with a hungry look ing her eyes she picked me up and carryed me over to the bench and splash me with cooking oil and seasoning. She then picked me and ploped me in a pan. First it tickled then it became agony and torture I began to blister and burn. I started to cry wanting mum to run in the door my sister noticed and tried to calm me down but I kept crying then mum rushed through the door yelling at my sister to "STOP," and turn off the pan then mum picked me up and put me ing the sink . I stopped crying as my blisters and burns were gently cooled by the flowing water. written by Shawna and Lilly

Tuesday 5 November 2013


On Wednesday the 30th of october our school had their athletics. Our school does athletics so kids can get into athletic sports I don't see the point of athletics I wonder how are we surpost to use athletics in a job i don't know. but i didn't get any placing which is good for me cause i don't like athletics.we did high jump, long jump, sprints, hurdles, shot put, and discus.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Clearing and Planting Day

On Friday the 18 of October room 7 went up to Pirongia Lodge to do some Clearing and Planting for Kate the lodge Warden. When we got up to the lodge we started to unload some plants we had brought from people who donated them and then another School showed up Pirongia school they unloaded their plants then we set off down the hill holding plants.When we got to the bottom we had to put the plants in groups so that we could go plant them. the planting was fun taylor did a little dance with a worm which was funny but it was a good day overall.

Monday 21 October 2013

Ag Day

On Wednesday 16th of October our school had their Ag day. students started arriving with ether a animal or a home challenge which they made themselves.I didn't have an animal so I did a school challenge we got to pick out of four different things there was Cupcake designing, T-shirt designing, Modeling and Photography and I did photography. Photography was fun we got to take photos and walk around the animals. I got first with my photo of a boy and his lamb but I won because I was the only one for my age group but I still had a good day. The first photo is the one that i used and won with, the second one was one I took of someones  lamb

Sunday 13 October 2013


Last week was speechs. We had to write a speech that had to connect with something we had learnt at school last year or manly this year. I wrote my speech about imagination and how imagination is a great thing to have for the class speechs I got 36 from my teacher a 43 from someone in the class and I gave myself 41 and overall they were pretty close and this was the first time I didn't cry before, after or during my speech which was good. I also got into the finals which is the whole school comp and I was really nervous but it payed off Lars got first, Shane got 3rd and I got 2nd. I was so happy I couldn't believe I Shawna had got 2nd it was amazing really. Last night was the LW which stands for Lower Waipa and I got to go to that. It was tough though lots of good speechs some I thought were achully writen by their parents they were that good. I didn't get to talk on the stage though which was a disapointment but I think my speech was the best and that I did my best and thats all that matters.